Daniel has filled this gap and provides us his work for free on github. Netflix supports many devices and platforms, including iPhone, iPad and Apple TV, of course, but Netflix love for supporting Apple’s computers does just not exist. Not by Netflix themselfs, but by Daniel Farrelly, who, like you, did not want to come to terms with the current situation.

You can simply drag and move the floating window that plays Netflix movies.Have you been looking for a Netflix app for Mac and macOS for a long time? Here it is. The Netflix Picture in Picture with Google Chrome works when you have an older Windows version, a Mac, or a Linux PC. Thus, you can watch movies while working. It will stay afloat even when you move to other windows. Netflix movies will now appear in a floating window.

Use Netflix Picture in Picture on Mac Using Chrome You can also resize, move, and close the Netflix Picture in Picture window. Switch to other apps and continue working, while the movie will play for you in a corner of the screen. The main window will minimize and you can keep watching on the PiP window. You can now find the Netflix movie in a floating window.