The social class which owns the means of production and exploits hired labor. Means of Production: An all-embracing term that describes every non-human material factor involved in the process of socially useful production.īourgeoisie: The capitalist class the ruling class in capitalist society.

"Socialism" can also refer to an intermediate and transitional form of society between capitalism and communism featuring a Dictatorship of the Proletariat (sometimes referred to as "lower" or "the first phase of" communism). Social ownership can include common ownership, state ownership or collective ownership. Socialism: An umbrella term used to describe social ownership of the means of production. "Communism" can also describe the revolutionary movement to create such a society. ★ Definitions ★Ĭommunism: A term describing a stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production. Star flair is awarded to reliable users who have good knowledge of Marxism and consistently post high quality answers.

Try to include sources and/or further reading in any answers you provide. Don't answer a question if you are unsure of the answer.

Come here with an open and inquisitive mind, and exercise humility. This is a serious educational subreddit.Posts should include specific questions on a single topic.There are separate subreddits for liberalism, anarchism, and other idealist philosophies. This is a place for learning, not for debating.Patriarchal, white supremacist, cissexist, heterosexist, or otherwise oppressive speech is unacceptable.collection of revolutionary publications.largest Marxist library ( mirror with Marx/Engels Collected Works).Reading Marx's Capital ( with David Harvey).Marxist Philosophy understanding DiaMat.Connolly Youth Movement's Educational Materials.No question is too simple, but please post overly academic, complicated, or otherwise "non-101" questions in /r/communism. Welcome! This is a place for learning and teaching Marxism.